Saturday, June 18, 2016

Dabbling With SFM

Probably the Best I could do
I already new Source Filmmaker would be difficult to learn. But, I tried it out anyway. I mostly wanted to tryout posing the Overwatch models (I've been playing a lot of this game).

Long story short... The only thing I learned was the basics from the tutorials out there. Like, loading the model and how to navigate and all that. Posing, I find to be way to difficult especially when you want that precise movement like Daz gives. It was fun to give it a try but I literally had to refer to tutorials for nearly everything. And, still not completely getting why things work and why they don't.

I might tinker around with it a little more every now and again but I still don't know how to animate with it. Which is the big draw with this program, not to mention the video game characters that are available. I would love it if someone made these Overwatch models for Daz. For one, I'd have a lot more fun with it and less frustrations. (probably will never happen, but one could still dream.)

Anyway here's a couple more terrible pics that I tested out using SFM below. Also my laptop isn't powerful enough to use Ambient Occulusion in the render settings that's why these pics look the way they do.

Poor choice for placement of models
Had to Turn off lights

 Looks like it's time to go back to Daz and try to continue my story or create a new one. I'll try to post next Friday with something good.

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