Thursday, August 11, 2016

RML Series Update

Ok, so I've finally decided what I'm going to do about the Ralyn Maze of Lust series.

 I figured I need to start making some money for this. So I've decided to sale my upcoming RML series on Renderotica. Since there's a minimum page limit that I need, to do so. I've decided that I'll add 5 pages to Ralyn's Maze of Lust (all sex scenes) and sell it for half the price I'm planning to sale the second one for. Which will be $8. Making Pt. 1 cost $4. That's a total of 10 images being added. So I think that's pretty fair. I will also be taking down the links for RML 1 but, the imgur gallery will still be accessible if you saved the link.

Sorry, I can't keep giving all my comix out for free. But, don't worry though I'll still have that motel comic coming out for free. I'm just going to be focusing on RML for a few weeks. I think I might share some of the renders on my next update.

Another thing I might do is redo the cover page of RML 1, like I planned to do. I also plan on finishing some more bios before the next update. Hopefully that'll work out, maybe even add it to the end of the comic. It's possible. Till next time, have a good one.