Sunday, March 29, 2020

Comics Coming to Affect3d + Update

Ralyn's Maze of Lust series is now out over at Affect3d and now with a textless version if you just want the renders themselves. The rest will be coming soon as well as any new ones that will be made. All comics will be 8 dollars. Hope this makes it easier for any of you that wanted to buy my comic but didn't want to do it from Renderotica.

I didn't really want to re-release stuff like this over and over. But, I figured it was a good idea to try to sell there, thanks to BlackKnight for pushing me to do so. I'm hoping since I've added a textless version it is worth the buy. The last two comics that need to be put up will also have textless versions as well.

As far as any new comics being made.. There isn't any. I've decided to wait till I can afford a new computer to make any new comics. I have also uninstalled daz3d for now. I saved everything just in case the laptop I use quits on me and I lose everything. But, it might be a while before I can get back to rendering new stuff. Hopefully sells keep going well over at Affect3d so I can get back to making new stuff asap. But, otherwise thanks for stopping by and hopefully you're all doing well.