Friday, May 15, 2020

Delivery Delay

Unfortunately my order of the new computer has been delayed. So it seems it'll be not till 6/15 that it'll come in. Possibly sooner but that's the estimated date. So possibly a week after it arrives I should have some content coming out.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Returning to Work Soon!

I know it's been a while. But, I recently bought a new computer, so will hopefully be rendering again in about two weeks. If it comes in on time. As we all know the pandemic might make the shipment take a while longer.

The computer is much better than the laptop I used for all previous renders. So I imagine I'll have even better quality renders coming out. And, possibly at a faster pace.

Shared these two pics over on my renderotica gallery here:
I use it mostly to get feedback, feel free to leave any comments on the renders there.