Monday, December 14, 2015

In-Progress Character in Star Wars Apparel

So I decided to create a character today that can be in a modern era setting. While I was doing so I figured that I might as well try out putting her in the Storm/Clone Trooper like armor that I found a while back. To check out how well it renders in normal lighting and also the fact the new Star Wars film is nearly out. Since I rendered it in a transparent background I also took the time to add a nice imperial background to it. Although it's probably too fancy for such a simple render. Also don't care for the Blaster's material, it'll probably need to be changed if I ever use it for a comic of any sort.

Here it is in a range of colors:

Now about the Character itself. She actually looks older than I expected her to look. Other than that it's not a bad skin material. It definitely still needs a lot of work but for a test render it's not too bad. It's completely possible That I may never use this character again. Especially if I come up with something better. But, it allowed me to do some practice in Daz without any problems. And, that's good since I've been putting off working on anything on there for a while because of the constant errors I've gotten. I might just hold off doing any more of the Ralyn comic and start a more modern day or sci-fi type comic. If you have any ideas for a story I should do feel free to message me or comment here. And, if you want to write it that might even be better since I've noticed I have too many idea's but don't stay with just one at a time.

Till next time have a good one and Happy Holidays, since it might not be till next month that I post again.

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